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ISTB 1404

IPSTP Retreat 2024

Registration is open for the Integrative Pharmacological Sciences Training Program (IPSTP) Retreat on September 26 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM in ISTB 1404!

The retreat will feature:

  • Keynote from Dr. Rick Neubig
  • Talks from IPSTP students
  • Poster Session
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon reception and award presentation

Everyone from the MSU community whose research includes or is relevant to pharmacology is welcome to attend and present a poster. This includes students (graduate and undergraduate), postdocs, research assistants / technicians, and faculty. Presenters are eligible for awards, given during the reception. See abstract formatting details below.

Register and submit your abstract HERE by September 13, 2024.

On behalf of the IPSTP Retreat Organizing Committee, we hope you will join us for this exciting day of pharmacology research!

  • Gina Leinninger (
  • Daryangelly Pacheo-Cruz
  • Adriana Ponton-Almodovar
  • Jariel Ramirez-Virella

Abstract Submission Format

Make sure to include (1) abstract title, (2) authors and affiliations, and (3) abstract text, which should not exceed 300 words. Indicate the presenting author with underlined text and author affiliations with superscript numbers. 

Title: Omental Fat-Induced GPT2 drives Ovarian Cancer Chemoresistance
Authors: Adriana L. Ponton-Almodovar¹, Jamie J. Bernard¹, Sachi Horibata¹
Affiliations: ¹Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Michigan State University 

Women with obesity have reduced chances of survival when diagnosed with early-stage or localized ovarian cancer. Excess adiposity is known to fuel ovarian tumor progression and promote metastasis. Our in vivo studies showed....



Thursday, September 26, 2024


2:00 PM - 9:30 PM


ISTB 1404


Gina Leinninger