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How to Apply

Deadline is May 9, 2025

Your application is filled out online and requires the following information:
  • Information about you and your mentor
  • A proposed title for your research project
  • Your project abstract (300 words or fewer)
  • A description as to how your project relates to pharmacological sciences (500 words or fewer)
  • An explanation as to why you are interested in the IPSTP and how it will contribute to your career goals (500 words or fewer)
Additionally, you will need to upload the following documents in PDF format:
  • An unofficial copy of your MSU graduate school transcript 
  • Your NIH-style biosketch (preferred) or curriculum vitae (optional)
  • A letter of recommendation from your doctoral mentor
  • Another letter of recommendation from someone capable of assessing you research/academic proficiencies.
Finalists will be brought in for in-person interviews with Executive Committee members:
  • You will be asked to present a short presentation on their research area and potential project
  • Preliminary data are not required